Reading List #46

Stephen King’s, The Shining.

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I’ve always known of Stephen King and heard plenty of people talk about how great of a writer he is but, other than his book, On Writing, — which I found to be extremely well-written proving the rumors to be true, especially since it wasn’t even a work of fiction like I typically prefer.

My problem with King’s work is that the words, “terrifying,” “suspensful,” “horrific,” and other similar descriptions usually fall alongside the other praise that surrounds him and, let me tell you, “scary” isn’t exactly up my ally.

Sure, I crave a good scare every now and then and desire the occasional movie that’ll have me throwing popcorn around the room, HOWEVER, after I’ve watched said “thriller,” I have nothing but a strong feeling of regret once the sun goes down (or even when it’s still up, thank you to The Conjuring franchise (at least, I think that’s the movie it was. Not going to lie, I try to block these things out of my memory).

The worst part isn’t even the movie (or book) itself. To be honest, while I’ll scream in front of the T.V., as soon as it ends, I’m good. The problem is later when I go to sleep. Now, I tried to rectify this and made it a rule to watch these films during the day, preferrably in the morning to give myself PLENTY of time to try and wipe away all the scariness. But it never works. The second my head hits the pillow, it all comes flooding back and WAY WORSE than the movie made it out to be. Somehow, I really don’t understand why but here we are, my brain then thinks of all the ways the movie could be even SCRARIER?! And yes! I know this makes absolutely no sense at all but that’s just the way my brain works. So, before I know it, I’m lying awake with all the lights on and watching Winnie the Pooh to try and chase away all of the terrors.

And don’t even think for a second this fear only lasts one night. Nope, not even close. It takes forever before I can get a decent night’s sleep again. It’s so bad that, honestly, talking about all of this now will probably haunt me later one.


Amazingly, I still somehow have those random scary movie temptations but a larger part of me has taken a stand and placed a good night’s sleep strictly above giving into my scary movie temptation on my priority list!

So, as much as I’ve always hated the feeling of missing out on a good novel — especially a ton of them (keep in mind, I’m an English major so when I say I love books, I mean I REALLY love books and hate to miss out on any good ones) — I could never bring myself to brave Stephen King’s work.

At least, not until now.

I was discussing books with my aunt one afternoon and she asked if I’d ever read The Shining and she was so surprised to find I hadn’t. When I explained my terror of, well, terror, she assured me it really wasn’t so scary.

“Sureeeeeeee,” I told her, not budging an inch on my decision to stay far and clear.

But, the more we talked, the more she assured me they really weren’t too bad. More suspensful than terrifying.

“Believe me,” she coaxed and, because she’d never given me a reason to doubt her before, I agreed.

A few weeks later and I was well into The Shining. I was hooked! It was good! Suspensful, a little creepy, but nothing I couldn’t handle.

Then I was left in an empty house by myself for a week.

Things got a little freakier when that happened so I tossed away King for a bit to read Brain on Fire (a great distraction and a great read. I recommend!).

I finished that and, soon enough, I had people living with me again. I devoured King’s work after that and, while my heart definitely was pumping in my chest at more than a few chapters, it really wasn’t all that scary.

Electrifying, yes. But no lost sleep. Only another great read under my belt.

So, for those of you who share in the same fear I once did when it came to reading the great Stephen King’s books, I honestly think you can handle this one. It’s the perfect dose of a little creepy but not nightmare instilling.

Scout’s honor, I promise!

Now, I can’t say this for the other King books and I haven’t quite mustered up the courage for those yet but I will be reading, Doctor Strange, the sequel to The Shining.

Anyone else have any King books they’d recommend? And a scare-o-meter for the chickens like me? Please share! 🙂


Happy (slightly scary) reading!



Oh yeah! There’s also a movie based off this book from 1980. I haven’t watched that either but I know it’s out there so I thought I would share! Have you watched it?

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